My Life In Pictures

My Obsessions. My Life.

Yeppers, I’m a slacker! August 13, 2009

Filed under: Family,Furbabies,Pregnancy,weather — cmsucarebear @ 2:39 pm

well, I’m 36 weeks along now.  We found out a few weeks ago that baby Abigail is measuring about 3 weeks ahead!!  ah!

This is me around 34 or 35 weeks!



I’ve been put on leave early by my Doctor.  I’ve been having some dizzy spells, and well its just not safe for me to be at work, since I can’t lay down whenever I start to get dizzy.  Plus my job is so unpredictable, its better that I not work and rest these last few weeks that I can.

I’ve had a few baby showers, and got some wonderful things from some very generous friends and family.  Here’s a few pictures from that!  🙂

Shower 102


Shower2 023


And of course, Daddy has to put everything together!  haha



we’ve pretty much got Abigails room put together.  I’ve got a book shelf i’m in the process of clearing off to move into her room, and a few things left to put away, but we’re ready for her!!!

Scott hung her name above her crib, and i’m still trying to find some sort of art work to hang above the dresser.  My friend Stephanie and I tried to hang some brown polka dots, but they were really shiny, and looked black in the room, and i just don’t think it was going to look right!  But here is what we have so far! 🙂










In other news, the weather gods have been wreaking havoc on our house in the past two weeks!!  The first thing was a random early morning thunderstorm, produced a crazy wind from the East, and blew our Bradford Pear over, into our drive way!!  Check it out!







So I of course had to take pictures from the comfort of the AC, while Scott cut up the poor tree!  Hey, we got some fire wood out of it I guess!  but our poor house is no longer shaded.  😦



Then earlier this week, we had another random thunderstorm that brought on the hail.  The storm produced a tornado about 10 miles from us.  we got some hail damage on our roof, and Scott’s car.  We’re probably going to end up with a new roof though!





Well thats about it!  I go back to the Dr. on the 25th for another growth Ultrasound, to see how big Abigail has gotten, and since i’m sure she’s still growing like a weed, we’ll discuss an induction!


Oh yeah, we dog sat this past weekend!  My friend Julie was running a marathon in Vegas, so we had the joy of playing with her Bostons all weekend!!



Yay for Camera phones… October 7, 2008

Filed under: weather — cmsucarebear @ 9:43 pm
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The one time i don’t have my camera with me, i see a beautiful rainbow!!  I took some pictures of tonights sunset with my phone.  and tried to get the rainbow…


It was just so beautiful, i wish wish wish i had my camera!!